FL: Putnam County hires ‘Sex Offender Compliance’ specialist

Putnam County announced on Friday that they had reorganized resources and created a position known as a “Sex Offender Compliance Specialist.”

The Florida Sex Offender Registry said that there are currently 305 sex offenders in Putnam County.

The county says the specialist “will work in conjunction with the current offender compliance program as a means of providing critical intelligence for investigators by assessing risk-related changes in offender’s behavior.”

“We refuse to allow Putnam County to become a safe haven for sexual offenders and predators,” said Gator Deloach, who was elected Sheriff in Nov. 2016. “While we can’t control in which county they choose to live, we can certainly make Putnam County as inhospitable as possible for them.” Article & Photo


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This sound like a lawsuit waiting to happen

Thanks sheriff for helping us prove the registry is indeed punitive. Goes to show registrants are indeed treated like toxic waste “NIMBY” Its a game for them as to which county can 1up the other counties to keep registrants to a minimum. There was an article on this same thing from a Wisconsin or Minnesota news source stating the same thing. (I wish I could find it)

Cambridge Dictionary says:
safe haven, noun [ C ] us ​ /ˈseɪf ˈheɪ·vən/
an officially protected place in an area of military activity, or any safe or peaceful place in a dangerous area

Yep, that is Florida, a dangerous place already that is being made more dangerous e.g. Ron Book and his daughter creating a dangerous area within the state boundary, especially Putnam County, for its people with their actions and the actions of LE.

Well first of all it is Florida so stupidity is a given with any law enforcement. This is simply creating a job where one is not necessary thus creating the illusion that “well if a job exists then it must be necessary.”

Once again, nothing more than fear mongering and continued harassment and public shaming.

Who is this person harassing…well, registered citizens who are in compliance with these unjust rules they call “laws.” Pulling up in that car to a registered citizens home is clearly designed to simply publicly shame the poor individual unfortunate enough to have to deal with this BS!

Can me talk PTSD caused by the knowledge that every time there is a knock at the door it could be these pricks…and you hope the few neighbors who might not know of your status will not see them knocking.

How about having your kid answer the door and having to deal with that beast…that should be a crime right there!

Love it! Let’s see how people feel when this car is parked out front! The lady looks really bright! Or, if the police have an issue, leave it parked at s residence house? What if she stops by a friends home, parks it out front for 30 mins for lunch and later leaves? Then, her friend is mistakenly shot later that day? Florida sounds like a very angry state! As noted, if they desired, they should be looking for ways to assist those wanting help? Yet, they provoke fear, hatred and anger! The police are supposed to protect and serve. I’m appalled by the police chiefs comments/very unprofessional and he sounds non educated. Very sad

Sounds like an excellent use of county resources, one person whose sole job is to monitor(harass) 305 individuals who are probably just trying to survive, all the while, people who actually have a higher risk of committing a new sex crime (family members and friends and clergy) go unnoticed. Way to go Putnam County!

I kind of wish I were in that county. Is sue immediately following that statement.

and cops wonder why they have targets on their backs…because of mentally deficient individuals such as this sheriff named “Gator” . I really can’t believe there hasn’t been any real incidents down there in that third world country and their worse than communists state regime.

I visit a friend in a Florida Nursing home, I cross the state line after Midnight and leave the same day.
They have license plate readers on the side of Highways. The last time I past one I noticed a cop following me 10 minutes later.

A sheriff who admittedly states he wants to make the county as “inhospitable” as possible to a particular class of taxpaying citizens. Hmmm, sounds like a blatant case of discrimination to me.